Projects & Practice

Projects Programming, Research, Analysis


College Planner Mobile App 

Started: January 2023 (In progress)

As part of the HoyaHacks 2023 hackathon, my friend and I decided to develop a mobile application for college students as a one-stop-shop for everything they need: assignments, course schedules, notes, etc. 

We ran out of time during the competition to finish the project, but have been adding to it in our free time  since. I am focusing primarily on the back end (SMS reminders, API, database management) while Anay is focusing primarily on the front end (UI, design, format). 

The project is ongoing and can be found on GitHub

Research & Analysis

International Law and Terrorism in Cyberspace

This is an essay I wrote that addresses current International Law and how it applies to cyberspace. I also address real incidents of International cyberwarfare and cyber terrorism concerns.

International Concerns and Solutions to Network Security

An analysis essay I wrote that addresses real concerns of international cyberwar and the way conventional warfare is changing. Among the references used are the BlackEnergy, NotPetya, and other international cyber attacks.  

NVDIA Ransomware Incident (Feb. 2022)

In Feb. 2022, the infamous black-hat hacking group Lapsus$ targeted and compromised the largest semiconductor chip manufacturer in the world, NVDIA.

Self-Education Courses, Cyber Security, Programming

IBM Intro to Cybersecurity Tools & Attacks

Cyber Threat Intelligence

TryHackMe Online Hands-On Experience and Education

PicoCTF Capture the flag challenges, varying skills